Employee Recognition
Welcome to JCP, Jordan!
Jordan Rivers joined Joseph Chris Partners in 2024. Prior to joining JCP, she worked at a union hall for about four years and then worked with space contracts for the government for a little over a year. This prepared her for working at JCP because she learned to connect people with essential information, not to mention all the administrative skills she picked up along the way. She brings with her strong organizational skills, customer service skills, and the ability to learn quickly.
February Employee of the Month—April Feray
Congratulations to Process Improvement Manager April Feray, JCP’s Employee of the Month for February!
February Producer of the Month—Hailey Holbert
Congratulations to Executive Partner Hailey Holbert, JCP’s Producer of the Month for February!
January Employee of the Month-Gustavo Zapata
Congratulations to Gustavo Zapata, IT Manager & System Engineer, January’s Employee of the Month at Joseph Chris Partners!
January Producer of the Month-Erica Lockwood
Congratulations to Erica Lockwood, Managing Director and Executive Partner, January’s Producer of the Month at Joseph Chris Partners!
December Employee of the Month—Veronica Ramirez
Congratulations to President & CEO Veronica Ramirez, December’s Employee of the Month at Joseph Chris Partners!
December Producer of the Month—David Brown
Congratulations to Executive Partner David Brown, December’s Producer of the Month at Joseph Chris Partners!
November Employee of the Month: Graham Spearink
Congratulations to Senior Partner Graham Spearink, JCP’s Employee of the Month for November!
November Producer of the Month: David Brown
Congratulations to Executive Partner David Brown, JCP’s Producer of the Month for November!
Welcome to JCP, Jenny Sterling!
Jenny Sterling joined JCP in 2023. Over the past 5 years she has been working in healthcare, from patient care in hospitals, revenue cycle management for EMS around the country, to people development for the largest healthcare company in the world. Her experience has taught her how to build relationships, prioritize the needs of others, how to lead, and how to effectively communicate with anyone in any situation.
Welcome to JCP, Donte Moore!
Donte Moore joined Joseph Chris Partners in 2023. After finishing his professional football career, he got his first recruiting job where he established his skills in recruiting, consulting and sales. He was a key component in hiring the best Java developers in the country. After the whirlwind of the pandemic, he was able to find his footing in a healthcare recruiting company where he served as the Assistant Manager of Talent Acquisition. There he honed skills in training and onboarding employees, as well as planning and organizing hiring strategies, and delegating responsibilities. All these experiences have molded him into a strong, open-minded, hard worker.