Career Transitions
What We Offer
We understand that many factors may contribute to a company’s decision to part ways with a team member. Here at Joseph Chris, we offer our clients a 360-degree partnership, which includes layoff strategies, outplacement best practices, leadership development, retention strategies, personality and team cohesiveness evaluation, and insight, along with hiring. Think of our outplacement services as a road map for each client and individual professional that will help everyone arrive at their desired destination with exceptional results
Why Partner with Joseph Chris?
Our clients recognize the benefits of our outplacement services in brand strengthening, increased employee retention, attracting top talent, boost to employee morale, reduced costs, and ease in navigating the outplacement process. Also, your industry is our backyard; we have over 250 years of experience working in construction and development. We stay at the forefront of what’s happening in the job market. We exceed industry results by coaching with a focus on head and heart. Knowledge of the process, suggesting a customized approach, while having compassion for the stress that may be present. Our priority is to build trust by ensuring confidentiality and safety in our process. We take time to listen and get to know each other.
We can help you help them.
To learn which Career Transitions Services we offer that best fits your needs, fill out this form and we will contact you within 24 hours or get on my calendar after submitting today!
When Individuals Win, Organizations Win
Improve and support company branding and employee morale.
Improve Business Agility and Performance
Reduce costs and take an empathetic stand against litigation.
A Path Forward
On average the individuals who work with our coaches find jobs in half the time versus the standard 5-6 months.

What CTS customers are saying about us!