
Construction Tech Talk: Wearable Safety Tech
We’ve all seen that iconic picture (and modern recreations of it) of the ironworkers eating lunch 800 feet above Manhattan near the top of the Rockefeller Center with no safety harnesses to be seen. I know it was a publicity stunt to promote the new building, but it still makes me queasy knowing that a stiff breeze could cause a serious incident. A lot has changed regarding site safety in the past hundred years or so…hard hats, safety goggles, and reflective vests are all mandatory. It’d be unheard of to walk out on a beam 69 floors up on a modern construction site without being tied to a safety tether.

Construction Tech Talk: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
“Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the construction industry in many ways. AI technologies like machine learning and computer vision are being used to optimize construction workflows and improve project management.”

Construction Tech Talk: Drones in Construction
Drones are a very useful tool in the toolbox. Aside from being used for Super Bowl halftime shows or captivating my young niece and nephew, drones have a variety of incredibly interesting and useful applications in the construction industry.