
Candidates Are People Too

Why I’m Hooked on Podcasts

Joseph Chris Partners named “Best Executive Recruiting Firm” by Forbes again!
Congratulations to the whole team here at Joseph Chris Partners for being named a “Best Executive Recruiting Firm” again for 2024.

Angie Truitt: Passion about affordable housing led to the growth of the Women’s Affordable Housing Network.
Managing Director/Executive Partner Angie Truitt is a founding board member of the National Women’s Affordable Housing Network (WAHN) and spoke on a podcast recently about her experience helping to build and grow WAHN across the country.

Angie Truitt speaking at the Illinois Affordable Housing Forum
Angie Truitt will be speaking about the affordable housing talent pipeline at the Illinois Affordable Housing Forum in Chicago,

Life Lessons from Ted Lasso
Ted Lasso was born during the pandemic lockdown when the whole world needed something good. If you’re never watched an episode, Ted Lasso is the story of a Kansas football coach who moved across the ocean to manage a Premiere League soccer team, and slowly won over the players, owner, and fans with nothing more than his heart. He knew nothing about soccer, and he didn’t care about winning matches. He just wanted to help his players become better versions of themselves.
As I laughed, and even cried, through the series finale this morning, I appreciated that we got to have Ted in our lives for the last three years, and I’ll miss him.
Ted defined success as impact not as winning, as connection not as hustle. For a protagonist in a sports story, that’s rare. All the stories we love to watch, and the great players and coaches are all lauded for never giving up, for having superhuman drive, for their relentless pursuit of perfection.
Ted’s story is different. And Lasso’s Way can be applied on the pitch or in the conference room or to life in general.

Let’s talk about Mental Health in the Construction Industry
Conversations are flowing more freely about mental health and self-care, resources are more readily available, as are mental health professionals. But still, our industry specifically is facing staggering numbers of suicides and other mental health issues compared to other non-military occupations.

Joseph Chris Partners earns Forbes “Best Executive Recruiting Firms” award again!
We are grateful to be chosen again as one of the country’s Best Executive Recruiting Firms by Forbes . Thanks to all of the professionals we work with who shared their experiences with our firm and to all the professionals we’re fortunate enough to work with every day. We love what we do, and it’s because of all of you.

Why you should care about Pay Equity
Equal Pay Day was March 14th. Why do we care about pay equity?

The Search for a Mentor, Pt. 1
Searching for a mentor doesn’t have to be as challenging as sticking to that New Year’s resolution to stop drinking wine or start training for a triathlon (these are not, and never have been, on my list of resolutions). And like most things in our modern world, there’s an app for that.

Allyship: We can all do something.
Being an ally isn’t complicated. Most people outside of HR are intimidated by all things related to diversity, equity and inclusion. But there are small ways to make big impacts in the lives of the women and other underrepresented groups at your organization.